Sunday, September 6, 2015

Response to "Ethics of Digital Manipulation"


In his article, Jerry Lodriguss explains his stance on the ethics of photo manipulation in saying that enhacing an image to make it easier to see remains within the boundries of ethics while adding or subtracting anything is unethical. For the most part, I agree with his ideas, but I am not sure about his idea of his enhancing a component to make it more visible or aesthetically pleasing. To me, an ethically-true photo should present a picture as close as possible to what the naked eye would see, regardless of whether it is easier to see or not. To make it more than that would cross the line into unethical.
Although I slightly disagree with where his line on ethics stands, I completely agree with stance on intent. However, it is almost always impossible to reveal a photographer's true intent and we almost always have to take his or her word for it. So no source can truly be 100% trustworthy 100% of the time because of the complex guidelines for ethics in photography.

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