Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Response to "My So-Called Opinions" by Zachary Fine

Article Link: My So-Called Opinions

     In his New York Times article, Zachary Fine explains his opinion on pluralism and why such a progressive ideology can have negative effects in addition to the good.
     I agree with his argument that pluralism can act as a censure towards groups or individuals with ideas that are seen as exclusive, rejecting, or only tolerant. Because of this, people will fall into a singular mindset of prefering, in his example, Edwidge Danticat over William Shakespeare for the sake of pluralism. The issue of personal taste becomes almost polarized between a "right" and "wrong" choice. There is a social pressure to fit in with the newly dominant mindset. I also like how he states, "I don't know," has become a shield from decision.
    I do think that, ideally, people shouldn't be forced to accept something, but at the very least tolerate it and acknowledge that there are people and things they won't like. Forcing people to reluctantly change their preferences or views is not a good idea as long as it isn't directly harming another person or group. My belief isn't perfect, but nothing ever seems to be.

VS First Day Questions

What is your previous computer experience?
I have experience using Illustrator and InDesign and minimal experience using Photoshop.

What do you hope to get out of this class?
I hope to emerge from this class with a better understanding of the software and of what Visual Studies is about.

What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?
Computers are a means to create or assist in the creation of visual culture.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have worked with Illustrator, but am only minimally familiar with Photoshop.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have a PC without either.

Do you use a Mac or PC?

Who is your favorite artist?
Mary Kate McDevitt
Who is your favorite musician? 
Of Monsters And Men
Tell me something interesting about yourself?
My family moved to the Czech Republic while I moved to Philly.
Write a five line story?
There once was a potted plant. It liked to sit and it did just that. The owner was a college student who had placed the potted plant near his window. The owner was a forgetful person; he would forget to water the plant. But the plant did not complain; it liked to sit and it did just that. The owner would forget how cold it gets during the winter, but the plant still did not complain. The plant was content sitting by the window. Unfortunately, all plants need water, so the plant died. The End.
Post an image on the blog.
Image by Mary Kate McDevitt